Highlights For 2019 HybriD3 Experiment Training Workshop

September 27, 2019

We organized an experimental training workshop on September 12-13, 2019 in NC State University. The workshop was aimed to introduce emerging concepts in the experimental material science, to the early career scientist including postdoctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. The morning sessions included lectures about topics such as; photonic materials and applications, solution processed materials, emerging electron spin based quantum phenomena in solution processed semiconductors, machine learning approaches to materials discovery and hybrid materials and advanced spectroscopic/microscopic characterization techniques. In the afternoon attendees visited research labs and observed and performed live experimental demos on material growth, THz, ARPES, device processing and testing, morphology characterization activities in NC State Carbon Electronic Research Labs. There were about 55 students from NC State, UNC, Duke and Wake Forest Universities.

Lectures (shown are David Mitzi (Duke), Dali Sun, Aram Amassian (NCSU), Joanna Atkin (UNC)) Demos (Stephen Amoeh is showing OLED processing) at the “HybriD3 Experiment Training Workshop, held on September 12-13, 2019 at NC State University.

The workshop was supported by NSF Awards Number 1729383, 1729297, and 1728921